Sherif Rizk
Sherif Rizk is the principal lawyer and founder at Rizk Law Office, which is located in Ottawa, Ontario. He practices in civil litigation with a focus on civil fraud and personal injury law. He is a member of the Law Society of Ontario and has appeared before the Ontario Court of Justice, Small Claims Court, Superior Court of Justice (including Divisional Court) and the Federal Court of Canada on a number of occasions, and in various places across Ontario. He also has experience representing clients before various types of courts and tribunals in Ontario, such as the License and Appeals Tribunal (LAT) and the Landlord Tenant Board (LTB).
Sherif’s work focuses on litigation, fraud and personal injury, but he also has an extensive background working on tort and insurance matters. This work experience was gained during his time at some of the top boutique litigation firms in Ottawa and Toronto. Sherif is often consulted by other counsel to obtain his opinion on civil fraud cases, and will often do his best to give free or reduced cost consultations to individuals in need of legal assistance.
Sherif went to the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, where he obtained his Juris Doctor. While there, he was elected by his fellow peers as President of the Common Law Students’ Society and served on the executive of a number of different organizations and committees. He also worked at the University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society as a research assistant, working on cutting edge research into international intellectual property law.
Nowadays, to give back to his community, Sherif tries to assist those in need through pro bono legal advocacy and assistance with filing important paperwork. In his spare time, and to help law students grow and learn, Sherif participates as a judge for a number of community groups. He has served as a volunteer judge for Moot Court Competitions such as the Montreal Moot Court tournament and Capital Cup, as well as conducting mock trials for elementary schools and their students for Ontario Law Day. Sherif can also be found speaking at local libraries on topics such as immigration, fraud and will writing.
Sherif volunteers his time continuously for community groups and helps to fundraise for community initiatives to help those in need. Sherif has conducted various fundraisers to help the Ottawa Food Bank, as well as Coptic Orphans – a charity to help fatherless children in Egypt.
- Fraud Litigation.
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution.
- Law Society of Ontario
- County of Carleton Law Association
- Ottawa Coptic Lawyers Association
- Certified Fraud Examiner – Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
- L’Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Ontario
- Codified Law Blog: “Immigration Case Commentary: Fakahany v Minister of Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness”
- Codified Law Blog: “Proving Negligence in a motor-pedestrian collision: beware of s. 193 of the HTA”
- Robeside Assistance – Ottawa Blog Roll (September 2017): “Proving Negligence in a motor-pedestrian collision: beware of s. 193 of the HTA”
- Codified Law Blog: “It’s time to open the civil litigation door for sexual assault victims”
- Robeside Assistance – Ottawa Blog Roll (April 2016): “It’s time to open the civil litigation door for sexual assault victims”
- Codified Law Blog: “In the Crosshairs: Should the ICC prosecute US officials over CIA Torture?”
- Should the ICC Do Anything about CIA Torture? On – Canada’s Online Legal Magazine
- Codified Law Blog: “The Curious (Refugee) Case of Roger Hassaballa”
- Quoted in “What do We Really Mean, When We Talk About Diversity?” on – Canada’s Online Legal Magazine
- Robeside Assistance – Ottawa Blog Roll (February 2016): “Handling Different Witnesses – A Guide for Lawyers (Parts 1-3)”
- Quoted in the media: “Ontario law school fee almost doubles due to new training” –
- Ontario Bar Association’s Speakers Bureau Presenter on Immigration Law – September-October 2017
- Habane v Metro Ontario Inc.
- Al-Aassam v Co-operators Insurance Inc.
- Dirir v Rideau Transit Group
- McNulty v Credit Bureau of Canada
- Paternise-Phanor v Wal-Mart Canada Inc.
- Mitchell v Aviva Insurance Inc.
- Cook ats. Pirie et al
- Fernando v Obeid, 2021 CanLII 143645 (ONLTB)
- Romain et al v D-Squared Construction Inc., 2022 ONSC 6635 (CanLII)
- BOURDON & THIVIERGE v J.B. MOBILE MECHANICS INC. (Small Claims bilingual trial)